Monday, August 6, 2007

Quotes as We Go Forward ...

"If a bridge made of iron, steel and concrete can fall down, then a human bridge of faith, trust, confidence and hope must be established." --Hamdy El-Sawaf of the Islamic Jurisprudence Council of Minnesota.

and I admit I'm agnostic, but it struck a chord.

"Great heart will mend.......You [Minnesota] have a gift for organizing to do the right thing. You're [MPLS] a great city with a big heart, and you're the heart of a great state....You're a city with a heart - a heart temporarily severed. Don't worry. You'll be OK, Minneapolis. The physical infrastructure linking your great centers of education and commerce may be down for a time, but your gridge to the futre, your social infrastructre, remain intact. You'll be fine, and for those of us who lived and thrived there will always love you for what you are."
--Dr. Richard L. Reece, Old Saybrrok, Conn.

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